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About Cinnamon Pearls

The design of Cinnamon Pearls is based on the classical remedies Guizhi Tang (Cinnamon Decoction) and Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang (Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Licorice Decoction), the first of which is the “leader of all formulas” in Zhang Zhongjing’s 2nd century herb primer, Treatise on Disorders Caused by Cold (Shanghan lun). Together, they reflect the versatile “Guizhi Fa” (cinnamon method) approach of the Fire Spirit School of Chinese herbalism, and represent a base treatment for all types of chronic disorders involving congestion in the surface layers of the body, as well as decreased movement function in the Spleen, Lung, Heart, Liver, Small Intestine and Bladder networks. Cinnamon Pearls can therefore be considered a standard way to improve immunity by benefiting microcirculation in vital tissues and preventing fluid congestion and phlegm build-up. At the same time, this remedy is designed to control autoimmune reactions. The added herbs specifically underscore the strong anti-allergenic affect of cinnamon, and furthermore seek to enhance cognitive function by improving gut chemistry. Snake gourd and shepherd’s purse have long been forgotten by Chinese herbalists, but were once common food items associated with the power of the 4th lunar month and balanced Spleen function. They exhibit the unique benefit of cooling an acutely overheated Spleen in autoimmune conditions while not damaging the patient’s overall yang deficient constitution. Cinnamon Pearls is thus a prime remedy for a broad variety of chronic disorders involving a combination of low immunity and allergies. It is especially suitable for the treatment of food allergies and related cognitive dysfunction.

Therapeutic Principles

  • Benefit the taiyin (Spleen/Lung) and taiyang (Small Intestine/Bladder) organ networks by gently stimulating post-natal and pre-natal qi transformation: invigorate the “transformation and transportation” function of the middle burner (Spleen), heal mucous membranes and resolve lymphatic congestion (Lung), increase skin-level surface circulation (Bladder), and boost overall integrity of the intestinal wall (Small Intestine)
  • Harmonize ying and wei in taiyin (“tuberculinic”) constitutional types (who tend to suffer from frequent respiratory infections and/or food allergies)
  • Warm the center, move Spleen qi and transform cold damp with cinnamon (embodying the “Guizhi Fa” treatment principle of the Fire Spirit School of Chinese herbalism, especially suitable for individuals with damp/phlegm constitutions who do not respond well to ginseng and other tonic/stagnating herbs)
  • Dispel chronic wind and guard against wind invasion
  • Restore the up/down dynamics of the middle burner, eliminate food stagnation, and relieve digestive discomfort.
  • Transform chronic or residual damp, phlegm, and/or stagnating water in overall yang deficient constitutions
  • Cool and contain potential over-reactions by a deficient and over-challenged spleen, containing and preventing auto-immune processes

Formula Ingredients

桂枝 (尖)GuizhiCinnamon twig

Guizhi Tang

白芍 (清炒)BaishaoPeony, white; dry fried
炮姜 (砂燙)PaojiangGinger; sand roasted
甘草 (棗花蜜炙)Zhi GancaoLicorice; jujube flower honey baked
茯神FushenPoria Fushen

Fuling Guizhi Baizhu Gancao Tang (Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang)

白朮 (土炒)BaizhuAtractylodes, white; clay fried
王瓜WangguaSnake gourd

prevent Earth from affecting Water, cool over-reaction of taiyin and shaoyin networks, control auto-immune processes

薺菜JicaiShepherd’s purse
(南) 五味子 (酒蒸)WuweiziSchisandra; wine steamed
石菖蒲 (米泔水制)ShichangpuAcorus; rice soup cureddry Spleen/Lung dampness, open Heart orifice

Cinnamon Pearls Usage

Companion Remedies


Amber PearlsShengmai San
Metal PearlsBanxia Houpo Tang
Balance PearlsWendan Tang
Counterflow PearlsDanggui San
Spirit PearlsQianyang Dan
Wind PearlsFengsui Dan
Water PearlsShenxian Dushi Dan
Glacier PearlsBiejia Jian Wan
Thunder PearlsDahuang Zhechong Wan
Lightning Pearls 
Dragon Pearls 
Serpent Pearls 
Ginkgo Pearls 
Ox Bone Pearls 
Love Pearls 


Similar Remedies


Earth PearlsGuizhi Tang
Bamboo PearlsShuyu Wan
Golden PearlsChaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang
Evergreen PearlsGuizhi Fuling Wan
Mama PearlsWuling San
Sugar Pearls 
Ocean Pearls 
Tiger Pearls 

Supplement Facts

Serving size: 3 capsules
Servings per contains: 
Amount per serving: 1500mg

*Proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts of:

Cinnamomum loureirii twig (Guizhi), Paeonia lactiflora root fried (chao Baishao), Ziziphus jujuba fruit (Dazao), Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome fried (chao Baizhu), Wolfiporia cocos sclerotium (Fushen), Acorus gramineus rhizome (Shichangpu), Asparagus cochinchinensis tuber (Tianmendong), Zingiber officinale rhizome prepared (Paojiang), Schisandra chinensis fruit (Wuweizi), Capsella bursa-pastoris (Jicai), Glycyrrhiza glabra root honey-fried (zhi Gancao)

Cinnamon Pearls-Classical Pearls

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