- Cardio-Protective*
- Atherosclerosis*
- Blood Flow Support*
- Lowers LDL & Total Cholesterol*
Hawthorn has been traditionally used by people with chest pain, heart failure, hypertension, anxiety, blood flow issues, etc. Hawthorn also contains quercetin, rutin, choline, B1, B2, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Multiple studies have shown it can help with congestive heart failure. In those with heart failure hawthorn was shown to reduce leg swelling. Hawthorn reduced inflammation in animals with asthma, arthritis, and gum disease. Hawthorn berries promote the growth of obesity fighting bacteria and could be beneficial as a weight loss prebiotic.*
Hawthorn by Supreme Nutrition Products
Hawthorn berries (Crataegus monogyna) are in the rose bush family and native to Europe and
parts of Asia. It is often known as the “heart herb” due to its cardio supportive and cardio
protective components. Hawthorn has been traditionally used by people with chest pain, heart
failure, hypertension, anxiety, blood flow issues, etc. Its usage dates back to at least 659AD in
Chinese medicine (1). During the 19 th century it was used by doctors in the USA to help with
respiratory and circulatory issues, heart failure, heart disease, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis,
and altered cardiac rhythm.
Hawthorn berries are rich in polyphenols which are potent antioxidants. Polyphenols have been
associated decreasing risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, asthma, heart issues, skin aging,
as well as certain types of infections. Hawthorn also contains quercetin, rutin, choline, B1, B2,
Vitamin C, calcium, iron, and phosphorus (2).
Multiple studies have shown it can help with congestive heart failure. One study showed
Hawthorne increased working heart capacity and reduced ones’ cardiac symptoms. It also
decreases systolic blood pressure (3), decrease fatigue, alleviates stress dyspnoea, and can
decrease palpitations (4). Hawthorn has also been shown to help lower blood pressure in type 2
diabetes after taking for 16 weeks (5).
The bioflavonoids in hawthorn have been shown to dilate peripheral and coronary blood
vessels, thus improving blood flow to the heart. It can also reduce tension of the blood vessel
walls themselves (6).
Studies on Hawthorn have showed it can reduce overall cholesterol, especially lowering LDL
and triglyceride levels. It also helped lower ones’ body weight (7). Hawthorne also is gastro
protective and anti-inflammatory (8). It also has moderate antibacterial activity against gram
positive bacteria.